Requirements for obtaining a fiancé visa in Missouri

If you want to live with your loved one in Missouri, getting a fiancé visa is the first step in the two-step process. Let’s look at the requirements and process of obtaining a K-1 visa. Requirements for obtaining a fiancé visa in Missouri You and…
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Why you should establish paternity

If you aren’t married to a child’s mother when that child is born, there is no guarantee that the state of Missouri will recognize you as the minor’s legal parent. However, it may be possible to conduct a DNA test to establish that there is a g…
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Missouri child support information

In Missouri, parents have a duty to take care of their children and provide them with all the basic requirements they need for their development. The custodial parent honors this responsibility by being with the child and directly providing anything…
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Orders of Protection: Missouri

In Missouri, any adult or child who has been subjected “. . . to domestic violence by a present or former family or household member, or who has been the victim of stalking or sexual assault, may seek relief” by filing a petition, seeking an orde…
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